Travel Ideas

“The most dangerous worldviews are the worldviews of those who have never viewed the world.”
(attributed Alexander von Humboldt)


Traveling is much more than just vacationing and sightseeing – contact with other cultures broadens our horizons, shows us new ways of looking at the world, often turns our preconceived notions and expectations upside down and ultimately ensures that our society can become a little bit freer and more tolerant every day. So leave your everyday life behind you and look forward to meeting new people, new impressions, smells, sounds and unforgettable experiences. We promise you, you will be thrilled by the “other end of the world”

People who have already trusted us

We are happy that we have already made so many people happy. Click through their travel stories and get inspired what your trip of a lifetime could look like.

Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan

After 40 years I finally fulfilled my dream to travel to New Zealand and found the optimal support with Mrs. Hoermann from volaTwo. She immediately understood what was important to me. To really get to know the country and its people and to take my time. I then also traveled to Tasmania and the Australian mainland. So it became a 4 month dream trip. Small probems that occured during this time were always solved by Mrs. Hoermann as quickly as possible. The superb support started from our first phone call before the trip, continued during the trip and lasted even after the trip.
Thank you very much for your great support in making my dream come true.

Tanja Boeckle (4 months New Zealand and Australia)

Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan
Customer testimonial Sarah and Tobias S
Customer testimonial Sarah and Tobias S
Customer testimonial Sarah and Tobias S
Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan

1 dream, 2 adults, 2 kids, 1camper, 90 days, 12378km, 1 million memories

We have fulfilled our already loooong cherished dream. AUSTRALIA
When it was announced in February 22 that Australia would open their borders, we quickly started to search for a partner to help us with planning and organizing that also would have sustainability in mind.
After some research we came across Volatwo.
A few phone calls, but several route variations later, we had our dream trip.
2,5 weeks Northern Territory and then by domestic flight to Cairns. From there about 10 weeks on the coastal route to Adelaide.
Wow, what an adventure.
We experienced heat with the crocodiles, dreamy baths under bats in the trees, fed wild dolphins, swam in the Great Barrier Reef, saw fireflies to the pub laughter of the kookoburras, our hearts almost overflowed watching pygmy penguins, could hardly get enough of the kangaroos at 5am on the beach, surfed the waves on the Great Ocean Road and loved the freedom and coziness of our motorhome.
We have been back in the cold and dingy homeland for 3 weeks now and still can’t process all the impressions and adventures.
We had many fears because of the 2 small children (3 and 6 years), the length of the trip, the routing, visa application…, but all these could be answered and put into perspective by Volatwo. Even when there was a sudden GROẞES problem at the end of the trip, we knew this reliable and dedicated partner on our side, without which we might still be sitting at the airport in Singapore 🙃
And yes, we did not see Uluru and did not visit the beautiful west, but then we just have to come back again. 😁

1000x thanks to Mrs. Hörmann for the support and the lovely compilation of the travel documents and also for the warm welcome back package to soften the travel end blues.

Family K. (3 months parental leave in Australia)

Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan

We traveled as a group of three, with our 4-year-old son Maximilian. It started with a spontaneous decision. We came across cheap tickets to Brisbane by chance and thought to ourselves: we always wanted to go to Australia. Said, booked. Now it was a matter of how we could best organize our time in Queensland. We looked for an Australia specialist and came across VolaTWO. With her winning manner, Claudia Hörmann immediately gave us the feeling that we were in good hands, including taking care of all the formalities. And she allayed our concerns that the long flight times might be too strenuous for a 4-year-old by describing her own experiences. The elaboration of a possible itinerary took a few days and already hit the mark very well. And there was something for our son every day. It’s hard to single out anything in such a great trip, but Kuranda with Skyrail Rainforest Cableway and historic railroad; the beaches of Mission Beach and Whiteheaven Beach; the wildlife park on Magnetic Island, the town of Rockhampton, Fraser Island with its beautiful freshwater lake and O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat, and the exceptionally great climbing frames at playgrounds along the way were all special. It will not have been our last trip to the region.

Harenburg family (3 weeks Australia)

Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan
Customer testimonial Sarah and Tobias S
Customer testimonial Sarah and Tobias S
Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan

Australia – Outback + East Coast – 4 weeks of adventure!

We decided at very short notice to travel to Australia with our 7-year-old daughter. By chance I came across “Volatwo” – a real stroke of luck! Due to the short planning time besides working and renovating I didn’t have much time myself and so I was very grateful for Mrs. Hörmann with all her tips and recommendations. Already the first phone call with Mrs. Hörmann was totally sympathetic and her first-hand experience was top! She put together a route for us according to our interests and preferences. Focus: camping – nature+animals and offroad driving. Mails were always answered within a very short time.

I would especially like to emphasize the lovingly compiled travel documents, including brochures and maps, which we received by mail. Everything was very personal and cordial. You rarely find something like that! Many thanks for that! Also after arrival in Alice Springs Mrs. Hörmann inquired by mail if we arrived well and everything worked out with picking up our camper. An all-around perfect service with heart.

Sonja, Raj and Prisha (4 weeks Australia)

Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan

Dear Claudia,

After we have settled back into our normal everyday life and the many impressions could settle down a bit, we feel the need to give you a short feedback of our Australia trip.

We have used the unique opportunity, together with our family friends, to tackle an extraordinary trip for us. Together we gladly made use of your offer and your knowledge. It was impressive how you read our wishes and needs from the one meeting and the further conversations and put together an aptly tailored trip for us. We felt very comfortable, even if such a trip is of course quite exhausting. The varied composition of the entire trip has met our expectations that we had for this trip throughout. One circumstance that was extremely noticeable to us and that we would like to mention in particular is that during the trip, which lasted over a month, without exception everything that was organized by you worked out as planned. The Australians are known to be a bit more comfortable and relaxed on the road than we Central Europeans, but nevertheless, at least in the tourism sector, everyone is punctual and very courteous. The only thing that was marked by delays was the journey to and from the airport by train. Just a small side blow against the Deutsche Bahn and its associated companies…

In summary, thank you so so much for the outstanding service. With all the circumstances and necessary rebookings, it was certainly not an easy task, but we did not have any impacts on our trip from that and everything worked out smoothly. It was an impressive and wonderful trip, we can only warmly recommend a trip to Australia and you as a travel agency.

Petra und Roland from Tyrol (4 weeks Australia)

Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan
Customer testimonial Sarah and Tobias S

Wir waren drei Wochen quer durch Neuseeland unterwegs. Die komplette Reise wurde angefangen von den Flügen und Mietwagen über Unterkünfte bis hin zu Ausflügen und einigen Tipps für Vorort von Claudia perfekt organisiert. Bei der Planung der Reise wurden unsere Wünsche und das Budget super berücksichtigt und wir haben einen eigens für uns zusammen gestellten Reiseführer für unsere Route erhalten. Für alle vorab gebuchten Ausflüge und Aktivitäten haben wir Tickets erhalten, die wir vor Ort nur abgeben mussten und keinerlei Aufwand mehr hatten.

Es war für uns die schönste Reise, die wir bisher erlebt haben und wir hoffen, dass wir noch einmal in den Genuss kommen nach Neuseeland zu reisen, auf jeden Fall wieder von Claudia geplant!

Sarah und Tobias S. (3 Wochen Neuseeland)

Martina und Stefan Reise

Eine wunderschöne Reise, an die wir uns lange erinnern werden, nahm ihren Anfang in einem persönlichen Gespräch mit Claudia in entspannter Atmosphäre. Nachdem wir uns selbst im Vorfeld ein bisschen über Neuseeland informiert hatten wurde auf Basis unserer Wünsche, auf die Art zu reisen, geplante Aktivitäten sowie das zur Verfügung stehende Budget eine individuelle Reiseroute erstellt – kombiniert mit Claudias Geheimtipps und Empfehlungen. Flüge, Mietwagen, Unterkünfte und die Aktivitäten waren bereits vor Reiseantritt gebucht und reserviert, so dass wir uns komplett auf die unbeschreibliche Schönheit des Landes konzentrieren konnten. Innerhalb von drei Wochen durften wir die Menschen, die vielfältige Natur und Tierwelt Neuseelands kennenlernen.

Insgesamt eine von Anfang bis Ende perfekt organisierte Reise. Wir können Claudia uneingeschränkt weiterempfehlen.  

Martina und Stefan K. (4 Wochen Neuseeland)

Martina und Stefan Reise
Customer testimonial Hardy

Carmen hat mir eine wirklich geniale und unvergessliche 10-wöchige Reise um und in Australien ausgearbeitet. Wer etwas Einmaliges und Individuelles sucht ist bei ihr sehr gut aufgehoben. Sie arbeitet ein Angebot mit allen gewünschten Bestandteilen aus und fügt eigene Idee mit ein. Wir haben mehrmals telefoniert und hatten E-Mail-Kontakt, bis alles so war wie ich es mir vorstellen konnte – das heißt etwas, da ich bestimmt kein einfacher Kunde bin… Da die Reise relativ spontan war, war ich über ihre eigenen Ideen und Erfahrungen in dem Land sehr dankbar, somit musste ich persönlich wenig wissen. Was mich tatsächlich am meisten beeindruckt hat war, dass Carmen einem diese Reise nicht nur einfach verkauft hat, sondern es ihr ein Anliegen war, sich zu erkundigen, ob es mir gefällt und ob es mir gut geht. Man bekommt hier wertvolle Tipps von Profis. Ich würde jederzeit wieder bei Carmen buchen, da sie Herz und Verstand hat.

Hardy K. (10 Wochen Australien)


Liebe Carmen, liebe Claudia,

ich war ganze fünf Wochen mit meiner Tochter in Neuseeland und anschließend eine Woche auf den Cook Islands. Wir möchten uns bei Ihnen ganz herzlich für die außerordentlich gut organisierte Reise bedanken. Bei der Reiseplanung haben Sie all unsere Wünsche und Anregungen berücksichtigt und somit einen für uns traumhaften Urlaub ermöglicht. Die Reiseunterlagen, die wir von Ihnen rechtzeitig vor Abreise erhalten haben, waren sehr übersichtlich und hilfreich. Alle Reisedaten, Unterkünfte und Touren waren klar und übersichtlich beschrieben. Bereits der Flug mit Emirates war sehr angenehm und stressfrei. Die Abholung des Mietwagens am Flughafen lief reibungslos und das integrierte Navigationssystem ließ uns ohne Stress die von Ihnen ausgearbeiteten Strecken finden. Diese atemberaubend schöne Reise können wir gar nicht im Detail wiedergeben. Jedoch möchten wir einige Highlights davon erwähnen:

  1. In der ersten Woche haben wir die Goldgräberstadt Arrowtown besucht und durften dort selber Gold waschen. Die Führung durch die Goldgräberstadt mit dem Tourguide war hoch interessant und sehr unterhaltsam und witzig.
  2. Auch besonders in Erinnerung geblieben ist uns der Besuch einer Farm mit über 30.000 Hektar. Es war herrlich all die Tiere so hautnah erleben zu dürfen.
  3. Die Besichtigung der Drehorte von „Herr der Ringe“ war sehr beeindruckend
  4. Jetboot fahren, Rafting, Delphin schwimmen, Queenstown Besichtigung (älteste Bungee Jumping Brücke); ein Highlight folgte aufs andere.
  5. Ganz besonders toll war auch die Übernachtung auf dem Schiff im „Doubtful Sound“. Wir hatten eine wunderbare Außendeckkabine; die Crew war sensationell freundlich, das Essen vom Feinsten; wir haben sogar Seehunde und Pinguine aus nächster Nähe gesehen.
  6. Toll war auch der Museumsbesuch in Larnach Castle (ältestes Schloss von Neuseeland) sowie der Besuch des Albatros Centre mit Besichtigung von blauen Pinguinen
  7. Das Schwimmen mit Delphinen in Kaikoura. Wahnsinn, wie viele Tiere hier im offenen Meer vor, hinter und unter uns durchsausten.
  8. Das Kajakfahren im Abel Tasman National Park mit der tollen und lehrreichen einstündigen Einweisung durch den Guide.
  9. Übersetzen nach Wellington mit einer Fähre und anschließendem Besuch im Nationalmuseum „Te Papa“. Abends unternahmen wir eine Tour in „Zealandia“, wo wir den vom Aussterben bedrohten Kiwivogel sehen konnten. Es war toll!
  10. Die Besichtigung von Weta Cave mit Workshop Tour, wo wir uns erklären lassen konnten, wie all die Masken für den Film Herr der Ringe gemacht wurden.
  11. Die Tagestour durch den Tongariro Nationalpark, mit „Stew“, einem super netten Guide. Sehr gut organisiert und witzig.
  12. Der Maori Abend, wo wir die landestypischen Speisen mit zubereiten durften.
  13. Besichtigung der Drehorte Hobbiton.
  14. Coromandel Halbinsel mit dem Mietwagen mit Wanderung an der Nordspitze mit deutschsprachigem Reiseführer
  15. Die Fahrt in die Hauptstadt Auckland mit Übernachtung im Art-Hotel, das ganz liebevoll eingerichtet war. Die Mietwagenabgabe, der Flughafentransfer, alles lief reibungslos. Dann flogen wir noch von Auckland auf die Cook Islands. Zuerst auf die Insel Rarotonga, wo wir einige Tage Aufenthalt hatten. Wir genossen die wunderschönen Strände und den Schnorchelausflug mit Besichtigung der Lagunen. Anschließend wurden wir mit einer Propellermaschine auf die Insel Aitutaki geflogen. Auch dort unvergessliche Tage.

Gertrud und Anke (5 Wochen Neuseeland + 1 Woche Cook Islands)

Gertrut Reisebericht Kanu
Reiseberichte Getrud Hotel mit Pool
Reiseberichte Getrud Historisches Gebäude
Christina Reisebericht Blick auf den See
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Lake View

Unsere Neuseelandreise begann in Queenstown auf der Südinsel. Das Städtchen war perfekt um erstmal „anzukommen“. Von unserer Unterkunft aus hatten wir einen spektakulären Blick auf den Lake Wakatipu und die Südlichen Alpen.

Nach einer kurzen Fahrtstrecke erreichten wir Glenorchy, eine kleine Siedlung, in deren unmittelbarer Umgebung Filme wie Herr der Ringe gedreht wurden. Über das charmante ehemalige Goldgräberstädtchen Arrowtown, gelangten wir zum Lake Wanaka, welcher zu herrlichen Spaziergängen einlud.

Vorbei am Lake Tekapo, erwartete uns ein Highlight der Reise. Mit einer Cessna machten wir einen „AusFLUG“ und durften die atemberaubende Schönheit des Gebiets von oben bewundern. Nachdem wir auf einem Feld gelandet waren und uns „Irgendwo im Nirgendwo“ befanden, traten wir eine abenteuerliche Wanderung zurück zum Ausgangspunkt an. Von dort aus ging es weiter nach Franz Josef, wo das nächste Highlight auf uns wartete. Einen „Heli-Hike“ macht man wahrscheinlich nur einmal im Leben :-).

Die weitere Fahrt entlang der Küste, führte uns an den Pancake Rocks vorbei und brachte uns schließlich durchs Landesinnere in Richtung Nelson. In liebevoll ausgewählten Unterkünften kamen wir in den Genuss regionaler Spezialitäten, durften Privatstrände besuchen, Alpakas streicheln, Quad fahren und den Farmern bei ihrer täglichen Arbeit über die Schulter schauen.

Nach einer relativ kurzen Fährüberfahrt empfing uns Wellington auf der Nordinsel. Wir passierten unzählige Weingüter und bestaunten am Cape Kidnappers die größte von Land zugängliche Tölpelkolonie der Welt.

Am Lake Taupo hatten wir das Vergnügen, Einheimische auf einem Fischerboot begleiten zu dürfen. Unser Fang wurde direkt im Anschluss sehr lecker für uns zubereitet.

Als letztes Highlight unserer Reise wartete die Stadt Rotorua auf uns. Sie ist bekannt für ihre geothermische Aktivität.

Bei Wanderungen konnten wir 30 Meter hohe Geysire bewundern. Die Erde leuchtete in allen erdenklichen Farben, rauchte, brodelte (und stank überall nach Schwefel).

Nach Hause ging es von Auckland aus. Die Stadt haben wir leider nur noch „gestreift“. Vielleicht bleibt bei der nächsten Reise mehr Zeit dafür, aber bekanntlich vergeht die Zeit im Urlaub immer viel zu schnell.

Christina (3 Wochen Neuseeland und Sydney)

Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan

Wir waren insgesamt sechs Wochen in Neuseeland unterwegs, und es war einfach unvergesslich schön. Dank der ausgiebigen Planung im Vorfeld, bei der Claudia genau unsere Wünsche erfragt und umgesetzt hat, konnten wir uns vor Ort voll und ganz auf die Reise konzentrieren, da wir uns nicht mehr um viel kümmern mussten. Die Reise war dabei aber nicht komplett überladen mit Programm, sondern es war sehr ausgewogen zwischen freien Tagen und fest geplanten Ausflügen. So haben wir wirklich das Gefühl, Neuseelands beste Seiten gesehen und vor allem auch erlebt zu haben. Vielen Dank für die tolle Planung, die vielen Tipps und vor allem auch die unkomplizierte Erreichbarkeit während der Reise. Wir freuen uns schon aufs nächste Mal!


Stefan M. und Julia H. (6 Wochen Neuseeland)

Kundenstimme Julia und Stefan
Christina Reisebericht Blick auf den See
Christina Reisebericht Paradise Irtschild
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Pension Garten
Christina Reisebericht Blick auf den See

My trip to New Zealand from 29 October to 15 December 2022

My name is Andrea Brantl. I live near Vienna and have wanted to travel to New Zealand since I was 12 years old. The deciding factor was a pen friendship, during my junior high school years, with a young student named Ricky from Rotorua. After my retirement in 2020 and the closure of New Zealand because of Corona, I finally made it in 2022 and fulfilled my dream.

When someone mtkes a journey, he has stories to tell.
(Matthias Claudius 1740-1815)

Yes, I can only confirm that. I have a lot to tell about my first trip to New Zealand.

The 26-hour journey from Vienna via Zurich and Singapore to Christchurch was less exhausting than I thought. The first stop of my 7-week trip was Christchurch.

The next day I drove to Kaikoura, in the north of the South Island. Here I experienced one of my absolute highlights, swimming with free-living dolphins. An unbelievable experience, when a dolphin looks you in the eyes from about 1 1/2 meters and you have the feeling he smiles at you. The animals live freely in the sea and are not forced to do anything or lured with bait.

The next day I drove on to Lake Tekapo, in the middle of the South Island. Turquoise blue water and snow-capped mountains in the background greeted me. A dreamlike scenery! The route continued from Lake Tekapo via Twizel (Lake Pukaki) past Lake Aviemore to Oamaru. At this time the famous lupines did not bloom yet very generously, but I could discover nevertheless already a few.

In Oamaru I would have liked to stay over night to see the penguins in the city in the evening. I drove on to the Moeraki Bloulders, round stones in the sea. From Moeraki I drove briskly on to my next accommodation. On a narrow, winding road I went up the mountain to Larnach Castle. Lovingly restored by the Barker family. The Wild Life Cruise Tour on the Peninsula is a must. The tour leads to many places where you can observe different wild birds, like the New Zealand Oystercatcher or a whole colony of black swans. From the water you can see the albatrosses, very majestic birds and difficult to photograph. The yellow-eyed penguins can be seen in the evening in a certain bay if you are lucky. Unfortunately I did not have this luck. My journey continued to Nugget Point Lighthouse, with a gigantic view of the Pacific Ocean. From Nugget Point Lighthouse I went on to Queenstown. The area around Queenstown, Glenorchy and Arrowtown is ideal for mountain biking, hiking and other sports for adrenaline junkies.

My journey continued to Manapouri, from where I started my overnight tour into Doubtful Sound. After casting off the ship, we drove along the main fjord and then anchored briefly in a side arm. Those who liked could canoe around or board one of the dinghies. I decided for the latter. We drove to several waterfalls and along the fjord. Just a dream to see this and hear nothing but the chirping of a few birds and the sound of the waterfalls. Then it went back to the pier.

On the way to Wanaka I made a small detour to Te Anau and the lake. In Wanaka I stayed two nights. On the first day I visited the lavender farm on Morris Road, a beautiful garden, a small zoo and a nice store.

My journey continued to the northwest in the direction of Franz Josef Glacier, named after Franz Josef I of Austria. The approximately 200 km I drove over a well-developed mountain road always up-down, up-down, etc., but with great views of mountains and lakes. On the way I made a stop at the Blue Pools, with their turquoise blue water.

Then I drove quickly to my accommodation for the next two days, the Rimu Lodge in Rimu near Hokitika. And what can I say: a dream this view and the room! The landlady Sue -Ellen is a madness, the breakfast perfect and the B&B has definitely earned 5* +++.

Unfortunately, I soon had to say goodbye to the beautiful Rimu Lodge and I drove northwest along the coast. All in all it was an exhausting 450km today. At 9am I started and at 17:30 I finally reached my destination. Along the coast I made several stops, because everything was so beautiful to look at. I made a longer stop at the Pancake Rocks in Punakaiki, a rock formation directly at the Tasman Sea. The rocks look like pancakes stacked on top of each other, hence the name. Afterwards I drove a detour to Cape Foulwind and could watch some seals. One mother was nursing her baby. That was so cute! Then it went on briskly, almost exclusively once again mountain roads. On the last 60 km I passed huge hop plantations. Today’s beer is secured!

The next three nights I spent in the beautiful Bayview Heights Lodge in Abel Tasman. The next booked tour took me by boat to a bay in Abel Tasman National Park and a small dinghy took us to the beach. Then the kayak group got a briefing and off we went. We went about 2 ½ hours with the kayaks along the coast there and saw some seals lounging but also playing in the sea.

The journey continued from Abel Tasman to Picton, passing huge hop plantations and wineries. With the ferry it went to Wellington. I stayed at the QT Museum in a very nice apartment. After breakfast I went directly to the Te Papa Tongarewa Museum. An impressive building and some great exhibitions about wildlife and the history of New Zealand. On the 6th floor there is an observation terrace from where you have a nice view of the harbor.

The next morning I had to get up early, check out and then drive about 1 hour to Paraparaumu. From there, a small ferry boat took me to the offshore island of Kapiti. Here it looks like in the movie “Jurassic Park”, but without dinosaurs. I stayed overnight in a simple camp. The next day I drove to Napier, where I stayed two nights in the Art Deco Masonic Hotel. I woke up to sunshine and pleasantly warm temperatures. I had breakfast at a health food store just around the corner. And there was dark bread with many different seeds inside. That’s when you realize how much you miss it. Otherwise there is usually only white bread.

Finally, I drove away from Napier in the direction of Tongariro National Park. One winding mountain road after the other. I don’t know how many passes I drove over today. A very exhausting drive of three hours. Shortly before arriving at the lodge for tonight I made a short detour to Mangawhero Falls or also called Gollum’s Pool. An impressive waterfall and a beautiful valley. Arriving at The Rocks Lodge I was quickly full of energy again.

In Rotorua, my next stop, I will stay three nights. After breakfast I went to Te Puia Geothermal Park, one of the oldest geothermal parks in New Zealand. It was great to see the hot water shooting up again and again. On the large area there is also a Kiwi Station. And now I finally saw it: the national bird of New Zealand, the kiwi. In the evening we had a traditional Hangi Dinner in the Mitai Maori Village. During a cultural presentation, we were introduced to the history and culture of this indigenous people. An interesting and varied evening.

This morning I drove from Rotorua to Hobbiton (Matamata) and did the Hobbiton Movie Set Tour. This is where part of Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit trilogies were filmed. A must see when in New Zealand. These numerous little houses are so cute. Well done!

From Hobbiton I drove on to Tauranga imd to the next accommodation at Cooks Beach. There I took a 2 hour boat tour along the rugged volcanic coast. In the afternoon I made a trip to Hot Water Beach. Here you dig a pit on the beach and hot water from the ground mixes with seawater. A natural spa!

I had to get up early on the day of my departure, because I had a long distance ahead of me. At 8:20 am I left for Hokianga. More than 6 hours driving time lay ahead of me. First once again over winding mountain roads, then over the Auckland city highway. After a short break with coffee and cake I drove on and suddenly everything stops. An accident had happened on the oncoming lane. Relatively close before I got to the scene of the accident. A 3/4 hour the road is completely closed. Bypass there is none, so it was a matter of waiting. Finally the road continues and I arrived in the area of the Waipoua Kauri Forest. Suddenly a cloudburst! I could only continue at walking pace. But around 4pm I finally arrived at my lodge. Quickly we had dinner and then we started again. The evening tour to the Kauri forest. You can’t enter this forest just like that. No, everything is closed off and at the entrance there are sluices where you have to clean and disinfect your shoes. First we went to the Tāne Mahuta (“Lord of the Forest”), it is New Zealand’s largest known living kauri tree. Trunk circumference: 14m, trunk height: 18m, total height: 51.5m Then we drove a little further and walked a slightly longer way into the forest. To Te Matua Ngahere, the second largest kauri tree, father of the forest. It is also considered the oldest of the two largest living kauri trees and is estimated to be over 2,000 years old. Standing in front of these huge trees is enough to bring tears to your eyes, it’s so moving. What could they possibly tell us? Our guide, Merepoea Te Tau said and sang a prayer at each tree. These are old Maori rituals. The Maoris are also the ones who fight for the preservation of the rainforest and make sure that it will be extended. On the way back to the accommodation, everyone was very quiet and introverted. A very moving experience for me.

After a very good night I drove to Kawakawa. Here Friedensreich Hundertwasser, an Austrian painter and architect, built a toilet facility and there is a Hundertwasser Memorial Park. After sightseeing, I drove on to my quarters for the next few days. Paihia, a small town on the northeast coast.

The next morning I took a boat trip to the “Hole in the Rock”! Two more dolphins appeared and swam briefly next to our ship.

Today it was time to say goodbye to the northernmost point of my trip, Paihia. First I drove to the Whangarei Falls. On the way to Auckland I quickly drove to Devenport and went up Takarunga Mount Victoria. From here you have a beautiful view of the skyline of Auckland. And that today with wonderful sunshine. In the late afternoon I arrived at my B&B. The house was already decorated for Christmas.

The next day I spent in Auckland, a typical big city. A mix of modern with many skyscrapers, in between old buildings. Hectic, loud, kind of annoying, grungy, very Asian. The view from the Sky Tower was great and the hike up Mount Eden in nice weather also fit. Still, I have to say, this city doesn’t appeal to me. Sorry, as New Zealand is otherwise a great country. The Eden Park B&B is in any case super, is also further away from the city center, about which I was a little disappointed at first. But I’m glad that Carmen from volaTWO booked me in here. Quiet and nice hosts.

Last day on the mainland and I had to get up very early and was soon on a plane to Rarotonga, Cook Islands. Due to a thunderstorm on the route we started later. Well, that can become cheerful! But everything went well, only a few small turbulences. After 4 hours we landed in the rain. Hm, I didn’t imagine it like this. Arrival on a Pacific island and then no sunshine?! The inhabitants were happy about the first rain since months, I was not. In the afternoon it stopped raining. It is cloudy, but we had 25 degrees and I was swimming in the pool. In front of my bungalow At Manuia Beach Resort is the beach and the pool and I can hear wonderfully the sea rushing. Each bungalow has its own enclosed outdoor shower. Dinner was almost gourmet cuisine. And the sunset was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. I’m curious to see what the weather will be like tomorrow. But these days are just for relaxing.

I went swimming in the warm sea and walked along the beach. In the afternoon there was an invitation from the hotel for cocktail and finger food. Culinary I am also spoiled in this resort, because this time half board is included. Wonderful! Four wonderful, relaxing days.

At noon of the fourth day we went once again to the airport and on to Aitutaki, the next South Pacific island. It rained heavily, yet the flight was very pleasant, 40 minutes long and in a plane with only 33 seats. A Saab 340. I actually landed in paradise, even though it was raining.

There is actually, the paradise on earth!!Today I was there, One Foot Island! A beautiful spot on earth. I have never seen anything so beautiful.

The next day was one of the most beautiful summer days. At 29 degrees I was on the road with an electric scooter and looked at the complete island. From Aitutaki I am thrilled, so I imagine a Pacific island. Many palm trees, turquoise sea and white sandy beach. The sea has a temperature of about 26 degrees, So not really a cooling and you want to stay for hours in this beautiful water.

Aitutaki, a beautiful island, white sandy beach, turquoise sea, good food and the gorgeous Etu Moana Beach Villas Lodge. Excellently run by Jane, a perfect hostess. Always there when you needed something. She has everything in view and makes sure you have an unforgettable stay. On the beach there were preparations for a wedding taking place in the afternoon. I waded along in the sea for a short while when I suddenly saw this incredibly beautiful blue starfish. As if he had been waiting for me to say goodbye. I also had to say goodbye to cats, rooster and hens. They were all around me at breakfast waiting to see if anything would fall off for them. I think I will come here again. Now it was time to say goodbye to this incredibly beautiful island of Aitutaki. Life here is just incredibly easy (easy) and relaxing (relaxed). The farewell was very hard for me, with lots of tears in my eyes. Jane took me to the airport with the electric golf cart. No security check, just an easy check-in.

In the evening I landed in Auckland again. In pouring rain and only 18 degrees. Tomorrow I leave New Zealand and fly on to Singapore, where I spent 3 more nights at the Park Regis Hotel.

All in all it was a wonderful 7 weeks. I have seen and experienced a lot and met very special people. Impressions that will accompany me for the rest of my life. Good bye New Zealand, we will see us again!

Our process for your successful vacation

1. Get familiar

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2. Get planning

You will receive a first itinerary from us – no strings attached – that will be the baseline for our further planning together. And when everything fits, just lean back, we will take care of the booking.

3. Get packing

Rely on us. We will take care of all the necessary formalities and keep you posted on what you will still need to do. So the only thing you’ll have to worry about will be packing your suitcases!

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